Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Poor Grandma Parr!

Grandma and Uncle Richard tried to get onto the Washington Mall this morning to see the inaugeration of our 44th president, Barack Obama. But even though they spent the night downtown, got up at 5:00 in the morning, and had tickets to access the area near the Capital, the crowds were so thick the organizers were so incompetent, they could not get through. After waiting in the freezing cold for 3 hours, they gave up and went back to Grandma and Grandpa Parr's house, which was relatively easy to do, given a) it was only 4 miles away and b) everyone else was downtown for the inaugeration. They ended up watching the swearing-in on TV, along with Grandpa Parr, two dogs, and about 200 million other people.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Food critic

Mashed peas bite. And I don't mean that in a nice way.

But mashed bananas! Mashed bananas are another story altogether. They positively dance on the palate.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy half-birthday to me!

I'm exactly six months old today! This morning, Mommy and Daddy regaled me with a seriously off-key rendition of Happy Birthday (where's Aunt Cathy and Uncle Steve when you need them?), but I received no birthday cake. That's a shame, 'cause although you can't tell from the photo, I am now cutting my first tooth! It isn't big. But it sure is sharp. Mommy and Daddy usually let me chew on their knuckles, but I guess those days are coming to an end.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Muchos milestones

On the cusp of six months (!), I am accomplishing all sorts of things.
  1. I can put my feet in my mouth. Daddy says he'd have to break his leg four times to accomplish the same thing.
  2. I have graduated from screeching to honest-to-goodness babbling. To wit: "Blah-blah", "La-la", and even "Da-da" and "Ma-ma". The latter two send the 'rents into hysterics. I'm not sure why.
  3. During tummy time, I can push myself all the way up on my hands.
  4. I put absolutely everything and anything into my mouth.
  5. I can sit up when propped.
  6. I am eating solids a couple of times a day now. Peas are my favorite, but I'm not sure about Turkey. Perhaps I'll grow up to be a vegetarian.
  7. I am sleeping through the night without my 10:00 p.m. feeding.
  8. I sat in a high chair today for the first time.
  9. I'm getting more interested in books, especially chewing them.
  10. I have discovered static electricity -- see photo.

Friday, January 2, 2009

My first Christmas!

For the holidays, Mommy and Daddy accompanied me on a train ride all the way to Washington, DC to visit Grandma and Grandpa Parr. I did just fine but had a rough first night... kept waking up in a strange crib, in a strange room, which made me cry about every two hours 'round the clock. I settled in the next day, however, and had no more nocturnal issues. Christmas was cool! I got to meet all my cousins for the first time, see Aunt Dede again, and bond with my grand-'rents. Here are the highlights:

Grandpa Parr is almost as high-larious as Daddy!

Grandma Parr read to me in both English and Spanish.

Here I am with Cousin Ellie...

...and Cousin Emily!

Monday, December 15, 2008

A rained-out performance.

Mommy occasionally holds me on her lap while playing piano. I usually enjoy it, but recently, I was displeased with her rendition of "Memory" from Cats. So I voided on her leg.
In other news, my diaper rash has cleared up completely. And an ultrasound confirmed I do not have hip dysplasia. Hip Hip Hooray!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My YouTube Debut!

Yep, the 'rents have graduated from foisting insufferably cute photos of moi, to foisting insufferably cute videos instead.

You find them here!

Happy viewing!