Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Day

My, what a busy weekend! My Grammy, Papa, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Steve, Great-Uncle Victor and family friend David descended on our house for something called, "Thanksgiving." Daddy cooked a bird that weighs the same as me (about 14 pounds), which everyone found high-larious for some reason. They stuffed their faces with all kinds of things, but I consumed a little rice cereal and was quite sated. After dinner, Cathy and Steve sang my baptism song, and Uncle Steve cracked me up. Here are some highlights:

My Great-Uncle Victor is 89-years-old, and a World War II veteran!

Uncle Steve had me in stitches.

My aunt and uncle are awesome singers, don't you think?

Mommy will be posting these and other Thanksgiving Weekend photos on YouTube in the next couple of days!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Who you callin' a punk?

I have a little soft spot right on top of my head. Apparently, it has a pulse. If one looks closely, especially when I'm eating, it throbs quite unnervingly.
Mommy and Daddy think a good name for a punk band would be, "Naomi and the Throbbing Soft Spots."
Mommy and Daddy have a twisted sense of humor.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A screech owl has nothing on me.

Cooing is kid's stuff! I've now graduated to screeching, squawking, shrieking, babbling and yelling. The 'rents react with statements like, "Oh, are you singing?" and "I didn't know you could yodel!" and "Who let that parrot in here?" Obviously, they envy my lung capacity.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drool! Drool for everyone!

I guess I must be teething 'cause I'm soaking through about 5 or 6 bibs and/or blankets and/or entire outfits a day. Mommy and Daddy are spending a lot of time in the laundry room lately! My newest trick is attempting to stuff my entire fist into my gaping maw. I'm getting pretty good at it, as you can see.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What a gas

I'm a gassy little thing and can really toot up a storm once I get going. But of course timing is everything, and mine is exquisite. Last night, for example, Mommy was doing prayers with me and I let one rip right in the middle of the 23rd Psalm. Mommy was scandalized, but I'm sure God understands. When the pressure's on, a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Hurl-O-Ween

Yeah, I know that pagan holiday is long past, but I couldn't resist sharing this photo Mommy took of a display around the corner from us. Those crazy college students!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Germs! Germs for everyone!

I caught my second cold at daycare this week and promptly passed it along to Mommy. She talks so funny now! Daddy is still trying to shake the cough I gave him last month. My doctor says these colds and coughs are the first of many to come and will be a good thing in the long run. Mommy and Daddy sure hope so.

Antibodies! Antibodies for everyone!