Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let the Terrible Two's begin!

Now that I've celebrated my second birthday, I am free to pitch screaming fits over everything from Daddy attempting to brush my hair, to Mommy refusing to serve fudgesicles for breakfast. It's been great fun.

But back to my birthday. I was feted in Washington, DC where Grandma and Grandpa Parr reside. We were joined by Aunt Dede, Aunt Trish and Cousin Ellie, who turned seven four days after I turned two. So, naturally, a joint birthday party was held. Here's the presentation of the cake -- which was delicious, by the way:

I received a modest amount of loot, as did Ellie. Here we are, opening and enjoying our presents. Later, we hung out in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard and shot the breeze. A grand time was had by all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cool lady.

The solution to this hideous heat wave? Just don a hat with a brim wide enough to cover your entire body. End of problem.