Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let's roll

Will someone please explain to me the big deal with tummy time? The 'rents insist I engage in it every day, bribing me with mirrors, musical toys, etc. -- anything to make me push myself up and look around. I admit I didn't care for it much at first. Come to think of it, I screamed my head off the first few times Mommy put me on my belly. But it's getting easier and easier. This week, in fact, I actually managed to roll myself right over! You should have seen the look of shock on Mommy's face! Now Mommy and Daddy snap a safety harness around me every time I'm up on the changing table. What's up with that??

Monday, September 29, 2008


Seems I have a case of the sniffles. Mommy and Daddy put saline drops in my nose, then suctioned everything out with a big, green bulb syringe. Man, that was disrespectful. The next time Daddy tried it, I cheesed and sneezed -- simultaneously! Boy, was he a mess! Vengeance is mine!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

By golly, I'm blogging

This is my first-ever blog. Quite an accomplishment, considering I'm just two days shy of 11 weeks old. My interests include sleeping, pooping, tooting, drooling and cheesing.

Visit my mommy's blog at


and my daddy's page at
