Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The weather has been alternately freezing and balmy lately... in other words, typical for May in Syracuse. Mommy and Daddy bundled me up for a walk Saturday morning, then put sunscreen on me in the afternoon. Go figure!

I've decided my new favorite toy is the grey, rubber bulb syringe Daddy occasionally uses to suction my nose. Yeah, all the electronic stuff is okay, but this thing rocks. I can squeeze it, and chew on it, and examine it for hours. Fascinating!

Daddy just ordered a whole bunch of new things for the house, including cabinet locks, a toilet lock, stove guard and two more gates. He and Mommy sure are in a hurry to redecorate. What's up with that? Oh, gotta run -- I see something across the room that requires my immediate attention. 'Later!

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