The doctor suggested Mommy and Daddy start letting me feed myself, so Friday night, I was presented with a tray full of rice, cut-up green beans and pieces of flaked tilapia. Some of it made it into my mouth, some made it onto the floor, and most of it ended up in my hair. Check it out!

On to Saturday. Daddy was very busy installing a baby gate at the top of the basement stairs, and shortening all the cords on all the window blinds. It was a beautiful day, so he and Mommy moved the porch furniture outside. I crawled all over the front porch and got frightfully dirty. It was so much fun!
Sunday was just as glorious, and the three of us walked down the hill to Barry Park (actually, I hung out in a stroller). I sat in a swing for the first time, and rode a mighty steed. What an awesome weekend!
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