Monday, November 17, 2008

A screech owl has nothing on me.

Cooing is kid's stuff! I've now graduated to screeching, squawking, shrieking, babbling and yelling. The 'rents react with statements like, "Oh, are you singing?" and "I didn't know you could yodel!" and "Who let that parrot in here?" Obviously, they envy my lung capacity.


AuntCathyUncleSteve said...

My cute, sweet, adorable and lovely niece does not screech, yelp, howl, hoot or make any other such noises. I think mommy and daddy need their hearing tested!

LAYLA said...

LOL, just wait 'til you visit us this week, and hear the cacophony for yourself!

AuntCathyUncleSteve said...

Well, I suppose it's never to early for voice lessons. Just make sure you are breathing from your diaphragm and your mouth is open and round in order to make those nice vowel sounds.

We're counting the days until we see you and we can't wait. Uncle Steve says it is going to be a white Thanksgiving. I wonder what he means by that?