Saturday, May 23, 2009

Take my new poll!

The 'rents think I may be trying to talk. They're wondering what my first, clearly spoken word will be. What do you think?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm going to college!

...or cosmetology school, or culinary school, or auto mechanics school, or who knows what I'll be interested in 17 years from now. At any rate, the 'rents have finally got around to setting up a New York 529 College Savings Program so they can pay for my education and not have to eat cat food in retirement. They are making contributions via payroll deduction, but if anyone else wants to help out -- or set up their own 529 plan -- they can contact Mommy or Daddy for details. I feel smarter already!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

More pics from Grammy and Papa's

I spent Thursday night and most of Friday hangin' with the grand 'rents, while Mommy and Daddy snapped dozens of photos. Here are the best:

On Saturday, Grammy held a luncheon in my honor at The Tiburon Restaurant in Westport, Connecticut. Aunt Cathy, Uncle Steve and Uncle Victor came all the way from Albany, and lots of my cousins were there, too. I was the belle of the ball!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Visit with Grammy and Papa

I'm visiting New Rochelle, NY this weekend. Mommy and Daddy and I are staying in a Residence Inn by Marriott, and I have a room all to myself! But what I really enjoy most is visiting with the grand 'rents.

I can always count on Papa Bern to lend an ear.

Here I am sampling Grammy Bern's finger.

I'll post more pics tomorrow! Oh and by the way... the results of my poll show the masses overwhelmingly support my left toe in my quest for the next best thing to stuff in my mouth. Thanks for voting!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Take my poll!

So many amusing objects... so little mouth capacity! What shall I stuff into my gaping maw next? Take my new poll (at left) and help me decide!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Porch pics - Then and Now

Mommy and Daddy love to hang out on their front porch -- which means I spend a lot of time out there, too (weather permitting, of course). Check out these pics -- the first was taken last July, when I was less than a week old. The second was taken just recently. I've obviously put on some weight, but Mommy's lost a few pounds... 27 to be exact.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The weather has been alternately freezing and balmy lately... in other words, typical for May in Syracuse. Mommy and Daddy bundled me up for a walk Saturday morning, then put sunscreen on me in the afternoon. Go figure!

I've decided my new favorite toy is the grey, rubber bulb syringe Daddy occasionally uses to suction my nose. Yeah, all the electronic stuff is okay, but this thing rocks. I can squeeze it, and chew on it, and examine it for hours. Fascinating!

Daddy just ordered a whole bunch of new things for the house, including cabinet locks, a toilet lock, stove guard and two more gates. He and Mommy sure are in a hurry to redecorate. What's up with that? Oh, gotta run -- I see something across the room that requires my immediate attention. 'Later!