Monday, April 27, 2009

What a weekend!

The fun started Friday afternoon when Mommy took me to the doctor for my 9-month checkup. I weigh 18 lbs., 5 ounces (which puts me in the 50th percentile for little girl babies my age), am 24" long (70th percentile), and my head circumference is 44-3/4 cm (70th percentile). The doctor pronounced me, "great!" This is true. The nurse only gave me one shot this time, and I didn't even whimper!

The doctor suggested Mommy and Daddy start letting me feed myself, so Friday night, I was presented with a tray full of rice, cut-up green beans and pieces of flaked tilapia. Some of it made it into my mouth, some made it onto the floor, and most of it ended up in my hair. Check it out!

On to Saturday. Daddy was very busy installing a baby gate at the top of the basement stairs, and shortening all the cords on all the window blinds. It was a beautiful day, so he and Mommy moved the porch furniture outside. I crawled all over the front porch and got frightfully dirty. It was so much fun!

Sunday was just as glorious, and the three of us walked down the hill to Barry Park (actually, I hung out in a stroller). I sat in a swing for the first time, and rode a mighty steed. What an awesome weekend!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy belated birthday, Grandma Parr!

Grandma Parr's birthday was last Friday. We sent her a card, and left her a voicemail, but completely forgot to post our greetings here. We love you, Grandma! Can't wait to see you and Grandpa in July!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Got a tissue?

I just noticed Mommy changed the name of this blog to "Little Bitty Booger." I was very offended, and made her change it back post haste. Yes, I realize I routinely wipe my nose with great vigor on the nearest shoulder... and regularly spew ropes out both nostrils every time I sneeze... but please. You may think it's funny, but it's snot.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A standing "O"!

Last night, Mommy put me in my crib while she went to prepare my bath. When she came back, she found me standing up, holding on to the top rail. Now mind you, I only started to crawl about three weeks ago. She whooped in surprise, and I immediately released my grip. She then spent the next five minutes trying to coax me into a repeat performance for the video cam. I eventually obliged:

Despite my other advancements, I am still sporting only two teeth. Mommy calls them "Chicklets". That's Daddy's handkerchief on my head, by the way. I love the Florence Nightingale look, don't you?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Who needs high-tech?

I am surrounded with toys that talk, play music, sing (in Spanish and English), twirl, light up, and do everything but start the car.

And yet... my current favorite is this plain, distinctly low-tech, cardboard box.

There's a message here somewhere.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can't take my eyes off of you

I find cell phones so fascinating! Don't you?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Then and Now

Here's a recently unearthed photo of Mommy when she was just two months old, posing with Grandma Parr. Mommy was very surprised she had never seen this picture before!

And here's a new one of me and Mommy. We're both happy because my scorching case of diaper rash is responding well to the medicine the doctor gave me. Good thing; I was starting to look like a red-bottomed baboon.