Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy birthday, Grammy Bern!

Today is my grammy's 29th birthday! I think she's awesome! Have a great one, Grammy!

Purely by coincidence, it also happens to be the third anniversary of Mommy and Daddy's very first date! I'm very glad they got together, or I wouldn't be blogging here today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here's a photo of Grandpapa Bern as a little boy...

.. and one of me and Mommy.

She and Daddy think there is a strong family resemblance. What do you think?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Greetings from Valley Forge

This weekend, Mommy and Daddy and I are in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Daddy is visiting an old friend of his from "Villanova"... a magical place where people apparently drink something called "Tequilla" and listen to something called "Led Zeppelin" and oh, yes, occasionally study. Daddy's friend and his family came over to our hotel last night and had dinner here. I was the belle of the ball!

This hotel rocks! Check out the size of my bed!

Here's Daddy exploring a cabin that used to sleep nine grown-ups. Good grief, my Boppy is bigger than this!

On the other hand, this is the biggest stroller I've ever seen!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend

Last Friday, Mommy had something called "Lasik" done, and had to wear these funny-looking glasses all weekend. They cracked me up!

On Saturday, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Steve stopped by, along with my Great-Uncle Victor. They babysat while Mommy and Daddy went to a "romantic restaurant", whatever that is. Great-Uncle Victor wore a red sweater with something called a "zipper". It fascinated me no end.

Aunt Cathy read me a story...

And Uncle Steve taught me how to count to one!

A great time was had by all!

Monday, February 9, 2009

7-Month Update!

I went on a hunger strike for a couple of days, which distressed Mommy and Daddy greatly, but my appetite has returned with a vengeance as you can see! I can hold my own bottle now and everything!

Here I am with our resident beagle. His real name is Buster, but Daddy calls him, "Bonehead" and Mommy calls him, "Move!" I like to touch his soft, silky ears and he tolerates me very well.

This is one of two piano-like instruments in my possession. The other one, shown above, was given to me by Aunt Cathy and Uncle Steve. In addition to piano, it also plays drums, trombone and banjo, plus counts and sings in English and Spanish! I practice every single day and expect to be playing Moonlight Sonata any minute now.

Daddy is as high-larious as ever. This is Mommy's favorite new picture of the two of us.

Wow! All that eating and music and romping with pets sure tires me out! Goodnight for now!

Friday, February 6, 2009

No more Mohawk!

My hair is now too long to stand straight up amusingly as it did when it was wispy and static electricity was abundant. But the 'rents think I am awfully cute all the same.