Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Germs! Germs for everyone!

I caught my second cold at daycare this week and promptly passed it along to Mommy. She talks so funny now! Daddy is still trying to shake the cough I gave him last month. My doctor says these colds and coughs are the first of many to come and will be a good thing in the long run. Mommy and Daddy sure hope so.

Antibodies! Antibodies for everyone!


trishthedish said...

Naomi, I'm sorry you are a little sick...I know how that feels! Love, Ellie

karen said...

Poor little thing! Johnny didn't catch his first cold until after he was 6 months old. By that point you're going to be an old pro at them and they'll hardly phase you (I hope!)! You take good care of your Mommy & Daddy if you shake it before they do :)

LAYLA said...

Mommy bounced back pretty quick, actually. She and Daddy still siphon my nose, though, which I do not like AT ALL. What's a few boogers between friends?