Monday, June 15, 2009

Grandpa Parr

Grandpa Parr had a bit of a scare last night, but is now resting comfortably at Sibley Memorial Hospital. The doctors say he will probably go home in a couple of days with a new friend, a pacemaker. He says he still plans on coming to Syracuse for my birthday party next month, and I can't wait to see him! Get well soon, Grandpa!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A gated community.

This is my 42nd day of captivity.

I've attempted to escape many times, but the guards thwart my efforts at every turn. I once enjoyed about seven seconds of freedom, but was recaptured by the piano.

The cat is allowed to come and go as she pleases. Obviously, she is a stoolie.

Monday, June 1, 2009


You know that old trick where the magician whips the tablecloth out from under all the dishes? Well, I tried it this morning with two bowls of applesauce and yogurt nestled on a paper towel. Everything crashed to the floor and made a spectacular, splattery mess. Ooops -- my bad! Guess I'll just have to keep practicing 'til I get it right!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Splendor in the grass

The 'rents are letting me spend a lot of time outdoors these days (in the shade, naturally). I love sitting in the grass, and sampling it, too. Oddly enough, Mommy and Daddy are not nearly so enthusiastic about my al fresco dining habits. Mommy shrieks, "She's grazing again!" and one of them yanks those yummy blades right out of my maw without so much as an excuse me or by-your-leave. What's up with that? Daddy scolds, "You are not a cow, young lady!" I don't know what a cow is, but if it gets to eat grass all day, that's the life for me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A new game!

I have a wonderful new game I love to play! I call it... Pick me up. Put me down. It goes like this: I crawl over to Mommy or Daddy, grab their legs, pull myself up to a standing position, gaze adoringly into their eyes, paste an insufferably cute smile on my face, and grunt urgently -- giving every indication I need to be picked up this instant.

Of course, they comply immediately. After a few seconds in their arms, I do an immediate about-face -- whining, writhing and kvetching to be restored to the floor right now. Of course, they're totally confused -- but they do comply. Two or three minutes later, we repeat the whole thing.

I heartily recommend Pick me up. Put me down. It's an awesome game! I could play it for hours on end!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Take my new poll!

The 'rents think I may be trying to talk. They're wondering what my first, clearly spoken word will be. What do you think?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm going to college!

...or cosmetology school, or culinary school, or auto mechanics school, or who knows what I'll be interested in 17 years from now. At any rate, the 'rents have finally got around to setting up a New York 529 College Savings Program so they can pay for my education and not have to eat cat food in retirement. They are making contributions via payroll deduction, but if anyone else wants to help out -- or set up their own 529 plan -- they can contact Mommy or Daddy for details. I feel smarter already!